For Students

Tulane University is committed to meeting the unique needs of pregnant and parenting students as they pursue their academic goals. Various support services and options are available to students who seek benefits, services, or leave related to pregnancy and childbirth. Use the drop down menu at the top of this page to learn more.

Students who seek benefits, services, or leave related to pregnancy and childbirth should first contact Case Management and Victim Support Services (CMVSS).  CMVSS can provide support for students and coordinate any benefits, services, and leave.  Please note that CMVSS is a private resource, meaning that conversations with this office are kept as private as possible, but information may be shared with other Tulane employees to ensure that the student receives the support they need. CMVSS will coordinate with you on when to disclose to your academic program.  To connect with CMVSS for benefits, services, or leave related to pregnancy and childbirth, please complete the Student Childbirth and Pregnancy Request Form.  Once you complete the form, a case manager from CMVSS will reach out to you within 2 business days. You can also contact CMVSS through the following options: visit the Lavin-Bernick Center G02 (M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm); call 504-314-2160 (M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm); email


Click here to complete the Student Childbirth & Pregnancy Request Form


Students may also wish to connect with Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)* for support.  CAPS is a confidential resource, meaning that, except in rare, extreme circumstances, nothing you share with this office will be shared with others without your explicit permission. Exceptions to strict confidentiality are when the provider believes you are a threat to yourself or others.  CAPS has locations Uptown (Building 103, Diboll Complex, first floor) and Downtown (127 Elk Place, Room 261, in Campus Health, adjacent to the Saratoga Garage). To connect with CAPS, call 504-314-2277 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm.
*Please note that most degree-seeking students (those who have paid the University’s Campus Health Fee) are eligible to access services from CAPS. All currently enrolled students may utilize an initial consultation, Care Coordination, and crisis support services. Learn more about the Campus Health access fee

If at any time, you are concerned that Tulane is not meeting its obligations to you or that you are facing harassment or discrimination due to your pregnancy, we encourage you to report your concern to the university.  Visit the Laws page to learn more about your options for reporting concerns.